Friday, February 27, 2009


TGIF everyone!
I plan on spending a quiet, relaxing weekend!
Mr. H and I might go see Gran Torino. He really wants to see it; me not so much. But in all fairness he did go see Bride Wars with me, so I think I owe him one!
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
See you Monday!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summertime...And the Livin' Is Easy

Let me first of all apologize for what these pictures look like. I am trying to figure out how to upload in an organized manner on this thing and believe me, I've spent way to much of my work day already trying.
Ok, I love summer. Every other season can just go away because I have no use for them!
I am so ready for summer to start and it seems we are getting closer. Temps have been getting higher and higher this week.
All you girls know that a new season means a shopping trip, right? I have started the looking much to the dismay of Mr. H and his debit card. This is what I have found so far that I must add to my closet!

The top right is a pair of shorts from J Crew. I just love patterned shorts and these are definitely going to be making an appearance in my wardrobe quite a bit this year. This cute asymmetrical shirt on the model that looks like a terribly haggard Nicolette Sheridan is also from J Crew. Come to think of it, so is the nautical inspired dress below. The bathing suit is Lily.

Mr. H & I are in a wedding this summer on the beach in Fiji. I cannot wait!
This green gress is our bridesmaid's dress with which we will be wearing gold shoes.
I know we will be having flowers in our hair. I told the bride that we will be just like the wedding in the movie 27 Dresses. Ha!

I have also been on the lookout for some cute spring/summer work clothes. My workplace is pretty lenient on our attire, so I get to have fun with my professional attire.
Don't you just love these Kate Spade "geo" shoes?

This skirt is from Banana Republic and Mr. H says it looks like bile. That's great. I still think it's cute.
This dress is such a gorgeous color. I asked Mr. H what bodily fluid this resembled and he couldn't come up with anything - ha! I think this will be so cute for work and church/brunch.

What are some things that y'all have your eye on for the coming season?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Is Why The Groom Is Supposed To Just Show Up

It has been brought to my attention by Jessica at "A Bunch of My Nonsense" that my blog won't let people comment. I guess I should probably retract the answer in my previous post about being better at the computer than my husband.
In any event, I hope it's fixed now. Thanks, Jessica!
We were out of town this past weekend for our friend's wedding. It was beautiful. It took me back to my wedding day and all of the sudden I wished we could do it all over again.
My wedding day was the most magical, wonderful day of my life. We worked for almost 8 months on this one, single day but it was more than worth it.
All the planning, picking, choosing, fitting, buying, check writing, tears of joy and sometimes tears of frustration all culminated into this one beautiful day.
On the way home yesterday I was talking to Mr. H about this. I was going on and on about everything. About how I want to feel that feeling I felt when I saw his face when he first saw me. About how I want to remember exactly how I felt when we burst through the back of the church after coming down the aisle as husband and wife. About how I want to smash his face with wedding cake again and beg him not to do the same to me. All these things and so much more.
His response was this:
"We paid all that money for a photographer and videographer and you can't remember?"
Clearly, men just do not understand.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love Story

This little survey has been going around the blogosphere and so I decided to tag myself to let y'all know a little bit more about Mr. H and me!
What are your middle names? Claire & Matthew

How long have you been together? We have been together since I was 17 and he was 18; so just over 9 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? We have known each other since we were about 4 years old. We grew up together. So, I guess that would be 13 years.

Who asked who out? He asked me out. We were best friends and all of the sudden something sparked for me. I kept it hidden because I figured it was ridiculous - you don't fall in love with your best friend - but then it clicked for him, too and he asked me out. I knew on the first date that he was the one. It just made sense.

How old were each of you when you met? We were both 4. I had just turned 4 and he was about to turn 5.

How old are each of you now? I'm 26 and he is 27.

How long did you date before becoming engaged? For 9 years. We got engaged in January of 2008 and were married in September of 2008.

How tall are each of you? I am 5'3 and he is 5'11.
Whose siblings do you see the most? I am an only child, so obviously his!

Do you have any children together? Not quite yet. Hopefully in a couple of years we will be decorating a nursery!

What about pets? We have no pets, either. I want a puppy so badly, but Mr. H says we need to wait.

Did you go to the same school? All through school! Elementary, middle, high and college!

Are you from the same hometown? Yes.

Who is the smartest? We are both smart. I like it because we constantly challenge each other.

Who is the most sensitive? Me. Definitely me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? He hates it because I could eat at Panera every meal, every day. But we try to switch it up every now and then.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Australia - honeymoon!

Who does the cooking? I cook, he grills.

Who is more social? Well, I would have to say that we are pretty even. We are both very social; always have been.

Who is the neat-freak? Me. Oh Lord, me.

Who hogs the bed? I say it's him, he would probably say it's me.

Who wakes up earlier? He does for sure! He is a morning person to the maximum!

Who has the bigger family? We are pretty even there.

How do you spend the holidays? With our families. Our families are very close, so we are all at the same house for every holiday.

Who is more jealous? He is - and he knows it. He is very protective of me and always has been. Even when we weren't dating he was always on the defensive about any other guy that so much as glanced my way.

Do you have little pet names for each other? Babe. Also, sometimes he will call me by my maiden name. Affectionately, of course!

How long did it take to get serious? About a minute. I told you, I knew from the beginning. He knew before that!

Who eats more? He is a bottomless pit. End of story.

Who sings better? Me. Given that I have had 15 years of voice lessons.

Who’s older? He is! By almost a year!

Who does the dishes? The dishwasher.

Who snores? Neither of us, thank Jesus. My dad snores and I vowed to marry a man who didn't.

Who’s better with the computer? Me. Well, kinda.

Who drives? Either. We both love to drive.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me. It's a very sweet story. My mom has always thought I made it up, but it's true. He was on the basketball team and I was a cheerleader. We won the championship and after the game I was walking down the hallway to our sponsor's classroom to get my bag. I turned around to exit the room and he was standing in the doorway. Really he scared the crap out of me at first. We started walking back down the hallway when he stopped me. He said he wanted to make his night perfect and so right there with my back up against the locker, he planted one on me. I could have died.

Who eats more sweets? Me. I'm always eating Starburst or Skittles or gummy worms. But, I've never had a cavity. Go. Figure.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Get an F in Blogging!

Well. I promise it hasn't been a month since I blogged. Y'all were just thinking it had.
Ok, whatev. It has been.
I'll admit it; I'm a big blog slacker.
I'm actually thinking of quitting my job and just blogging full time. How about that? I think it would be way more fun and I could get all kinds of other stuff done, too. Like cooking 7 course meals for Mr. H online shopping and tanning.
I hope everyone had a fabulously romantic Valentine's Day.
Mr. H and I just laid low and spent the weekend at home. He brought me breakfast in bed and even put flowers on the tray. He is one for the details, I'll tell ya!
We went and ate at a local pub and then came home and watched Fireproof on DVD.
I have a huge crush on Kirk Cameron. I think it stems from his days at Mike Seaver on "Growing Pains." Anyone else with me on this?
Well, I must get back to work since the fantasy of becoming a career blogger can only take place if I don't want to stay married and pay my bills. So until I reach the desire to divorce my husband, live on the street and most shockingly not highlight my hair, I will be staying with my current position. Unless anyone is willing to match my current salary to write their blogs for them? Anyone? I can be reached at
Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's Been a Minute......

Hi y'all! And by "y'all" I mean my husband and mother since they are the only ones who currently read my blog!

This has been just a crazy week at work and I have already slacked off on this new hobby of mine. However, I vow that I will begin working on it more and hope to gain some followers and a comment or two.

I am so ready for summer. I absolutely loathe any season but summer.

And right now it is feeling like -10 degrees outside. I think I'm going to hibernate and come out when the season changes.

Monday, January 12, 2009

What if He Already Put a Ring On It?

There was a little discussion tonight at the Newly Wedded Life house. And, since I know you are just dying to know what it was about, I'll tell you!
Mr. H got me a new Ipod for Christmas and I have been putting songs on it practically everyday. I don't know about you, but I love running with some high energy, fast paced, girl power songs, so that is what my Ipod primarily consists of.
It just so happens that Mr. H has the same exact Ipod that I do. And he grabbed mine accidentally before his run tonight. This was the conversation that took place when he got back:
Mr. H: Babe, question.
Me: Yeah, what's up?
Mr. H: You know we got engaged and married, right?
Me: Um, yeah. I think I was a little bit a part of all of that.
Mr. H: Well then why are you listening to a song for single women?
Me: Mmmmk, what?
Mr. H: "If he likes it then he should have put a ring on it?"
Me: Oh, that's Beyonce - I love that song!
Mr. H: I don't love it. I don't love it because it's offensive to me. I liked it, I put a ring on it. Shouldn't that be enough?
Me: Oh, well, I'm fairly certain the song wasn't written about us. So, I think it's ok.
Mr. H: Oh, ok, yeah that really clears it up because I was under the impression that I was the one that was "wanting to trip."
I think this proves two things. One, that my husband is the whitest man on the planet. And two, that he should be more careful which Ipod he picks up from now on.